Chevron Venezuela Offshore, Trinidad & Tobago
Deltana Platform
This study comprised the acquisition of current profiles across the whole water column at two oceanographic stations. Directional waves were also measured from the bottom, and salinity and temperature profiles collected. This data was used in the stages of planning, construction and installation of the fixed platforms, the flow lines between the development sites and the export gas pipeline.
The remote study area, located in the Atlantic Ocean, 90 km offshore northeast of Orinoco River Delta, provided an opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of our personnel and equipment.
Measurements covered 311 days at the Primary location and 380 days at the Secondary location, performing six campaigns for deployment, maintenance and removal of equipment.
Two subsurface oceanographic stations recording:
Tides. Currents profiles. Waves height and period. Water temperature and salinity
Nortek AWAC AST 400 kHz and RDI Workhorse Sentinel Acoustic Doppler Currents Profilers (ADCP), mounted on subsurface arrays 10 m above the seabed y Seabird CTD profiler.