United Nations Office for Project Services. UNOPS
Loreto, Perú
Supervision of the New Port Terminal of Yurimaguas – New Remodel – Phase I
Construction of containment parameters with sheet piles, using sloping piles for anchoring. Pile driving that will serve as the foundation of the loading pier slab. Pile driving that will serve for the access ladder and fixed structure of the passenger’s. Pile driving of the protection barrier which will serve to protect from the fence the loading and passenger’s pier. Construction of the floor slab on piles.
Manufacturing of different metal structures such as pontoons (floaters) and stepladders of the passenger’s pier, protection reinforcements of the sheet piles, bracing between piles of the loading pier, connecting beams, sloping piles and base of defenses.
Installation of bollards, bitts and defenses. Manufacture and installation of river protection with gabions. Installation of various services.