INCOSTAS integrates social and environmental objectives and is responsible for to the impact their activities. Business development from conception, principles and opportunities is related to environmental sustainability, we have an Environmental Management System certified according to ISO 14001.

Our policy on Environmental, states the following commitments:

  •  Promote actions to identify, prevent and control the environmental aspects of our operations that could damage the natural environment and neighboring communities.
  • Comply with the applicable legal framework and other environmental requirements.
  • Ensure continuous improvement in environmental management.
Sustainable practices:

In the constant search for solutions that allow us to reduce the impact caused by our activities, we started in 2009 a Recycling Program. This program aims to establish the practice of saving and recycling paper, as an environmental alternative and fundamentally as an environmental education strategy.

To date, we have reduced 55% of printing and recycled a total of 2,378 kg of paper, the equivalent of 14 trees or 2,300 kg of raw material.