We have a system of occupational health and safety, certified according to OHSAS 18001. This system consists of a set of rules, procedures and work safe practices, which ensures optimal conditions for our operations running with minimal risk to people, communities and the environment.
Our policy on Occupational Health & Safety, states the following commitments:
- Promote actions to identify, prevent and control the risks inherent in the nature of our operations that could cause injury or illness to our staff, contractors or third parties.
- Comply the applicable legal framework and other requirements of industrial safety and occupational health.
- Ensure continuous improvement in the management and performance of occupational health and safety.
Fundamental principles of our Occupational Health & Safety System:
- I am responsible for my own safety.
- I respect the rules and procedures for occupational health and safety established by Incostas.
- I use the required personal protective equipment according to the nature of work performed.
- I take precautions in case of hazardous operations.
- I am aware of the warnings or notices of the work environment, unsafe conditions.
- Inform my supervisor of any hazard.
- Report all incidents to the security department, to inform and develop lessons learned.